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The Three Main Religions


Founded in India in the sixth century BCE, Buddhism expresses the teachings of the Buddha (born Siddhartha Gautama in about 563 BCE), who gave up worldly pleasures and devoted his life to the search for enlightenment. The main ideas of Buddhism are that suffering is caused by desire and that people have many lives. In every life, people should try to live better until they reach nirvana. If they do then it is unnecessary to be reborn, as nirvana is a state of bliss free from the cares of the world.


Buddhism is completly different to christianity, as christianity it is not about being reborn or reaching a state of nirvana it is simply about building a relationship with a God that loves us. 


The first ideas of Daoism/Taoism was taught by a man named Laozi. Laozi was thought to have lived around the same time a Confucious but there is no evidence that Laozi actually exsisted. The main teaching in ancient Daoist texts is the need to retire from worldly concerns and follow the Dao (‘the way’). Daoism believes that nature works in harmony and that people should themselves as part of nature to find happiness and health. Another belief is that it is possible to become immortal. Daoists developed the martial art of kung fu and the idea of the yin and yang.


Taoism/Daoism is completly different to christianity, as christianity is about building a realationship with a God that loves us it is not about being in harmony with nature to find health and happiness.


Despite the onging wars of the second half of the Zhou dynasty, philosophers taught ideas to solve the problems of their age. Confusious was regarded as one of the greatest thinkers of all time. Some of his disciples gained high positions during the Warring States period, but Confucius himself never held anything more than a low post. What we know about Confusious comes from the book called Lun-yu (The Analects). Confusious regarded everyone as equal. He thaught that slaves should be treated the same a Emperors.


Confusism is still different to Christianity although Confusious regarded everyone as equal just like our God does it is still different.

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